Some of our members in Sweden ...
Just click on the Artists name to see more of their work.
These pieces are made of plastics collected from garbage containers and ditch- banks.
I keep my eyes open when I go to the hairdresser; I search my friends' bathrooms and fridges -
you have to be observant if you are going to find that perfect jewellery material !
I keep my eyes open when I go to the hairdresser; I search my friends' bathrooms and fridges -
you have to be observant if you are going to find that perfect jewellery material !
All life is constructed of shells and layers which cover the inside.
What could be revealed when you remove these layers? This is what Lotta Snijder is exploring in connection to the human body and nature.
What could be revealed when you remove these layers? This is what Lotta Snijder is exploring in connection to the human body and nature.
Maja is an artist based in Gothenburg and is one of the founders of Boy konsthall. She has studied at HDK-Valand, the School of Art and Design, and graduated in Art Jewellery in 2020. She works with themes connected to the human body, based on illness and health, spreading knowledge about topics that are often considered taboo. In a playful way, she transforms the material into her own.
Processing emotions and circumstances by transforming them into objects.